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Model & Entrepreneur Amanda Strachan


Model & Entrepreneur Amanda Strachan

Hi Amanda it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  How long have you been modeling and what do you love about it?

It’s hard to believe it’s been so long but I’ve been modeling for about 15 years now. I love that modeling enables me to express my artistic and creative side, but what I love most about it is that it’s allowed me to travel the world and meet some of the most amazing and interesting people. Travelling over the years has changed my life in so many ways; it’s opened up many opportunities and allowed  me to grow and learn so much.

What is a typical day like for you?

I can’t say I ever really have an overall pattern in my days. With all the things going on in my life I feel like I’m always doing something different, but I always like to start off with a nice cup of tea, and fit a workout in there when I can!

How do you relax or unwind after a long day?

After a long day I always want to treat myself so I’ll usually light candles in the bathroom and have some essential oils diffusing while I take a nice hot bath and sort of let my mind go into a meditative state. If I’m not in the mood for a bath I’ll just put on some comfy clothes, watch Netflix and chillll.

Makeup and hair by Natasha Papadopoulos, Photography by Marnus Meyer, Styling by Sandra van der Merwe

Do you have any phobias?

I can’t say that I do have any serious phobias anymore. I used to be terrified of horses after a near death experience I had with my horse when I was younger. A couple of years ago I overcame that fear during a photo shoot I did at a photographer’s farm. It was a beautiful moment that I’ll never forget.

If you could personally witness anything, what would you want to have seen?

I would have loved to live in the 60s and experience Woodstock.

Have you experienced a funny or embarrassing moment before?

I have had my fair share of funny and embarrassing moments. One that stands out is when I was in primary school and I hated my eyebrows, so the night before picture day I shaved them off. The next day the boy I had a crush on came up to me and asked me “Hey Amanda, did you shave your eyebrows off?”.  I was a terrible liar and just shook my head and say “No!” It was pretty obvious I did though. Lucky for me, since it was picture day, I still have the photos, and I’m sure everyone else still does too…including my school girl crush.

What turns you off on a date?

There are a number of things that could turn me off on a date. Besides bad personal hygiene and terrible manners, I absolutely cannot stand small talk. If a guy shows me he’s capable of having honest, interesting and intelligent conversations, AND he’s able to make me laugh in the midst of it all, then there’s a good chance there will be a second date.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Amanda. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

Thank you! To me “sexy” is being confident in who you are and expressing that without fear of judgement, and not judging others or thinking there is some form of hierarchy and one person is better than the next. You are your own work of art walking your own path, and you should express that fully, and never be afraid of expressing your nerdy side 😉

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Check out my Canon Camera Lifestyle Video Shoot coming soon!

Images courtesy of Amanda Strachan

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