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LA Model, Actress & Host Krisondra


LA Model, Actress & Host Krisondra

What do you enjoy most about modeling and acting?

I actually enjoy modeling and acting for two different reasons.

I enjoy modeling because I love to read the body language of other people, and with modeling I get to tell other people a story of my own in only a photo. I feel that all models should have a huge range of showing different emotions. With modeling I am also able to appear like more of my own personality unlike acting. Modeling feels more sincere to me in a way.

But then again, with acting, you get to create a character that you admire or strive to be to convince your audience of your talent. Acting and modeling are two entirely different worlds for me, but they both keep me on my toes which is exciting!

Photo: @BrookeAshleyBarone

 Is there a favorite quote or motto you live by?

If there’s no light at the end of the tunnel then don’t take the road that leads there.

It’s kind of my own quote that I live by meaning: If you sense or know something or someone is wrong for you, don’t be surprised when things don’t go as hoped.

Just keep moving forward and learn from your mistakes. And understand that sometimes things are a blessing in disguise. Everything happens for a reason.

Photo: @Jag_Visuals

What’s your favorite personality trait you like about yourself?

Haha oh boy… probably the fact that it’s slightly awkward to answer this question, I don’t like to put myself on a pedestal. Everyone should treat each other as equals (:

Photo: @OnAnyGivenSundae

Which is the most expensive item you have splurged on?

Definitely my car LOL.

I have a 2013 white Audi A4.

Photo: @Jag_Visuals

If you could see any band live, which will you want to see?

It’s hard to choose only one, but I’ve always wanted to see Linkin Park and Three Days Grace.

Photo: @Jag_Visuals

What do you consider to be the most important item in your wardrobe?

I’m a little bit obsessed with thigh high boots. Haha

Photo: @Bennie.LA

What’s the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

The amount of pickup lines I get on my Snapchat hahaha. There’s too many to remember but some of them are pretty funny.

Photo: @Jag_Visuals

It is a pleasure to feature you, Krisondra. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

I define sexy as almost like a “female dominance”. Intriguing, elegant, edgy, confident, mesmerizing, convincing, powerful, and should be used for only the right reasons.

Follow the beautiful Krisondra on:
Snapchat: TheKrisondra

YouTube: The Krisondra
Twitter: @Krisondra

Facebook: Krisondra App: @Krisondra

Featured image courtesy of @Kurieitaa

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