Hi Maki Shima thank you for taking the time to answer our questions on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?
Thank you for giving me a chance for the interview! I am a model, singer, actress and TV-host in Japan. I’m mixed Thai and Japanese. I grew up in Thailand but I moved to Japan when I was 18 years old. I love smiling and a challenge and following my dreams.
How did you get started into showbiz and what do you enjoy about it? 芸能界にどうやって入ることになられましたか。お仕事の一番楽しいことはなんでしょうか。
I have been modeling since I was 20 years old and last year, I started hosting a Japanese culture and travel show called ”MAKICHANNEL”
In 2013, I won the New Face Stars section of Best Jeanist Award (It’s a very famous and very old award in Japan; ”Ken Watanabe” had gotten this award too) and I was runner up in the Yves Saint Laurent REBEL NUDE WOMAN contest.
In 2014, I was a finalist in Miss World Japan. I love to challenge myself in various ways. My dream is to become a Hollywood movie star as a Asian beauty. I have to challenge myself for a long time, and I have never given up, because I’m doing what I love. No matter what we do, it should come from the inside, not the outside. I believe we can go from 1% to 100% if we try.
2013年のベストジーニスト一般新人部門グランプリ受賞を皮切りにイヴ・サンローランビューティーコンテスト準優勝、2014年Miss World Japanファイナリストなど受賞多数。また、タイ向け冠TV番組「マキチャンネル」レギュラーメインMCほかハワイ、オーストラリア、タイでモデルとして活動。2016年秋から全国公開される映画「古都」のネスレアミューズスピンオフ短編に助演女優としてデビュー。
Which is the best compliment you have received? 今まで一番褒められた言葉はなんですか。
”You smiling makes people smile and happy”, that’s why I love smiling 🙂
How much of a foodie are you and what are your favourites? 好きな食べ物はなんですか。
Wow! It is a very difficult question for me LOL. If that food is delicious and cheap, I eat anything. LOL.
Ei-Hire(えいひれ)、HESHIKO(へしこ) 、Japanese Sake(日本酒)、Edamame(枝豆) 、Ton-Kotsu -Ramen(豚骨ラーメン)、Mat-Cha(抹茶) are my favorites.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? お暇な時、何をして過ごされますか。
I love to do yoga, belly dance, workout, taking photos and going to 寅さん記念館 (Tora San Kinenkan)at SHIBAMATA(柴又) LOL.
時間がある時はヨガ、ベリーダンス、ジム行くこと、写真撮ること 後は 柴又にある寅さん記念館に行くこと(笑)
If you had the chance to learn any skill, what will it be? 今身に付けたいスキルはありますか。ありましたら、それについて教えてください。
I want to learn to be a pilot! Because I want to take my friends and family to travel around the world and I want to work around the world too LOL.
なぜなら 自分の友達や家族を世界中に連れて回したいのと ワールドワイドで仕事したいです。(笑)
Which song best describes you? ご自身のことをよく表現できる唄はどの曲ですか。
I don’t want to choose one but I will and I think ”世界一つだけの花” by SMAP is the best to describe me.
私はナンバー1になることにあまり興味を持ってなくて、自分らしく自分にしかできないことをやってます。SMAPの”世界一つだけの花” は私のストーリーに近いと思ってます。
How will you describe an ideal date? 理想的なデートはどんなものでしょうか。
My favorite place to relax is 温泉(Hot spring) and after an onsen I want to go to Sen-Bero(センベロ) !
Sen-Bero means ”only 1000yen and you can eat food and drink”. The Japanese say ”Bero Bero”(ベロベロ) LOL.
私のデートしたいところは温泉に行ってリラックスして、それから センベロの店に行く(笑)
It’s a pleasure to feature you Maki Shima. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Keeping my long black hair and I am undressed every time when I’m at home LOL.
黒いロングヘア といつも家で裸(笑)
Follow the beautiful Maki Shima on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maki.shima2
Instagram: @makishimaaa
Featured image courtesy of Mako Ozaki
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