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Sex Magic: Try It For A Better Sex Life

Sex Ed

Sex Magic: Try It For A Better Sex Life

Sex is one of the more interesting ways in which we communicate with one another. It’s a type of interaction that transcends the limitations of language and exposes entirely new levels of meaning.  There is a type of universal rhythm that we encounter when we have sex; a language of motion, sweat, breath, moans, instinct and chemistry that if we are listening, we all understand. It is the way in which we, in our current moment, entwine with one another to experience the feeling of the spark of the first fire created by man, cells silently dividing, and the universe expanding, our own little big bang!

What Is Sex Magic?

Sex Magic is an alchemy of sorts, the way we can transmute the simple matter of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, etc. that the singular human body is composed of, into metaphorical gold when we unite two (or more) sexual energies together. It is essentially a method in which we can see ourselves simultaneously as human and “Divine.” Sex Magic is a way of revealing this power and learning to intentionally navigate the combined energy of a sexual encounter and channel it into other aspects of your life.

How I Got Started With Sex Magic

A teacher of mine once said, “We are doing magic all of the time regardless of whether we know it or not, so let’s hone in on these skills.” I entirely agree! I think we are all very powerful, magical beings, that have the ability to interact with and influence our reality, and doing this intentionally, as opposed to accidentally, is so much more potent.

The same goes for sex magic! I started noticing a certain energy shift would occur during and after sex. There would be times when my hips would be moving and I would feel a serpentine like energy slither from my sacrum all the way up my spine, radiating throughout my entire body… and that was before I even came! I would carry this energy into other facets of my life and noticed powerful shifts in the way in which I accomplished my goals.


A Life Changing Experience

Sex becomes its own distinct realm of euphoria, I literally feel like I’m entering my own dimension of blissful reality when I have sex.  It’s as though the lower, more earthy bodily energies and the higher energies of the mind and spirit are converging in this sexual cyclone. However, Sex Magic is more than just amazing, mind blowing, earth shattering sex. One I realized I could channel that energy into the rest of my life, my spellwork (to clarify for those of you who don’t practice magic or are afraid of the idea of spellwork, I essentially mean intentions I set for myself and the ways in which I go about achieving my goals) got significantly more effective. I found myself exploding with creativity, excelling in business ventures, and did I mention having mind blowing sex?

Do What You Feel Suits Best

I personally don’t have a specific routine when it comes to Sex Magic. I don’t think it would be fair to implement a “one size fits all” approach to the practice. I’ve done everything from guided meditation to a BDSM scene in which I spanked my partner into the “astral realm” as he worshipped the “L’Origine du monde” (if you catch my drift) on his knees.

One consistent theme I practice is deciding upon a Telos, or intention, before the act. Concentrating on what, exactly, you would like to bring about in your life with that energy,  letting it slip into the back of your mind, and then having it explode into consciousness as you come. You can get complicated about it and create a Sigil and charge it with sexual energy by leaving it in the room while you have sex or masturbate if you would like but I personally like to let things evolve more organically as the chemistry ensues.

Tips For Beginners

Don’t be afraid of your own sexual power! I think the terms “witch,” “magic,” and “spellwork” have a lot stigma associated with them that stems from the ways in which history and the media portrays magic. Casting a spell doesn’t mean throwing an eye of a newt into a cauldron and cackling. It is, very simply put, being attentive to how you engage the world around you and being intentional with your desire. Practicing Sex Magic puts you deeply in touch with ancient, primal, forces within and outside us, that manifest into tangible occurrences once you acknowledge that they are there. Essentially, you don’t have to do anything too different than you are already doing in bed aside from accepting the magic that is already occurring and allowing it to permeate your life.

I also LOVE talking about magic in all its forms so those of you who have a mischievous grin creeping across your face or a twinkle in your eye after reading this interview should feel free to contact me to discuss sex magic further!

Mya Midnight is an escort based out of Denver Colorado, a restless traveler, practicing Sex Witch, part time farmer, poet and activist. She lives for passion, mystery, and eroticism. Mya loves what happens when two people meet, alone in a room together, to watch magic unfold. Follow and contact her at and on Twitter @MidnightMya

Her upcoming tour is posted on under Wanderlust.

Images courtesy of Mya Midnight
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Mya Midnight

Mya Midnight is an escort based out of Denver Colorado, a restless traveler, practicing Sex Witch, part time farmer, poet and activist. She lives for passion, mystery, and eroticism. Mya loves what happens when two people meet, alone in a room together, to watch magic unfold.


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