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Does Consuming Alcohol Make Ejaculation Difficult?

Sex Ed

Does Consuming Alcohol Make Ejaculation Difficult?

Does consuming alcohol make ejaculating difficult? I do get aroused and horny after a night of drinks but take ages to ejaculate during sex, and sometimes we just give up.

For most people having more than two drinks can make having an orgasm difficult in both men and woman.  There is also something called the drunk penis which literally makes it impossible to orgasm and for some men they cant get erect or maintain an erection.  So for all of those who want to have sex limit yourself to no more than two drinks over a period of time.

My husband and I were having sex one night when our 5 year old son walked in on us after we put him to bed. Do we need to talk to him about what happened or is he too young to remember? 

If he asks then you can answer his question briefly.  If he does not ask then just leave it alone.

Does not masturbating/having sex for a few days give me a bigger load when I ejaculate? 

The body usually recovers in 24 hours the amount of fluids lost during ejaculation.  Also it depends on your hydration and the person you are with, if sex is consistent or not.  Holding back for a few days usually will make a guy more horney but that’s about it.

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Dawn Michael is a Certified Clinical Sexologist and Intimacy Counselor. Her proven techniques have helped thousands of couples to not only improve their sex lives but the intimacy in their marriage as well. Read the rest of her profile below!

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Dr. Dawn Michael

Dawn is a Certified Clinical Sexologist and Intimacy Counselor. Her proven techniques have helped thousands of couples to not only improve their sex lives but the intimacy in their marriage as well. Promoting healthy sexuality and sex positive views for couples and individuals is one of Dawn’s passions. Dawn uses a holistic approach with her patients providing help with sexual dysfunction, age related sexual health, lack of desire and hormone related issues, working with other practitioners to find solutions to all sexual related problems.

Dawn is a public speaker and educator providing information on women’s and men’s sexual health issues. She is a professional member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS). Dawn is presently completing her doctoral studies at The Institute For Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.

A professional writer with several hundred published articles in the field of human sexuality, relationships, and sexual health. She has been a featured guest on the Ricki Lake show, Dr. Susan Block show, Playboy Radio, Howard Bragman radio, Houzz publications, Corset Magazine, Your Health Connection Magazine, PsychCentral, eHarmoney, Wellness and YourTango to name a few. Dawn is a writer for the L.A. Love & Marriage Examiner.

Get in touch with Dawn via email at


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