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Blogger Cassandra Tan has a huge love for fashion


Blogger Cassandra Tan has a huge love for fashion

Know more about Cassandra Tan in this fun interview as we learn what her favourite fashion brands are, the challenges she faces to maintain her blog and where she’ll go if she had the chance to time travel.

Hi Cassandra, thank you very much for your time taken to answer our questions on SimplySxy. Can you share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

I’m a Student Care Teacher by day, a fashion blogger by night. I’ve always have big affection for fashion especially the styling part from mix and matching to putting together different looks with the same piece of clothing. I don’t believe in just wearing it once. I do beauty post as well and so I review with honesty because that’s what I would want to know when looking for reviews myself.

Where did your interest to start blogging come from?

It was actually through the encouragement of a blogger friend Ena and as I’ve continue my blogger journey, I’m thankful to meet many genuine blogger such as June who have help me along the way.

What are the challenges you face to maintaining your blog?

I was hoping for more fashion content but I’ve much more beauty opportunity hence I’m still working hard to increase my fashion content.

Keeping it short and sweet is not easy as well especially comes to beauty products, you want to be as informative as possible but at the same time without looking like you’re typing an essay.

In terms of technical wise, I’ve also been thinking of upping my game for my blog as I am still looking for a good investment that I can trust to help with changing up the look/setup of my blog.


Which are your favourite fashion brands?

H&M, Charles & Keith, New Look, Zalora and so many more!!!

If you had the chance to time travel, where will you choose to go?

Maybe to see how current big brand started such as Chanel, Prada or even LV. We all know that success does not happen instantly so I figure it may be fun to be able to hop back in time and get firsthand view of how it all started.


Do you have any phobias?

No I guess, not that I can think of.


Are you more of a night owl or morning person?

Night owl hands down! I sleep at 2am everyday! Hahaha *waving goodbye to beauty sleep*


What was the funniest or most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

 I once spat water right at a classmate after sipping because he was pronouncing a name wrongly on a book. Felt embarrassed but everyone around him laugh it off.


It’s been a great pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy, Cassandra. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

Confidence and making the choice to choose to love who you are.

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Images courtesy of Cassandra Tan

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