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How does someone with a disability build sexual confidence?

Sex Ed

How does someone with a disability build sexual confidence?

Have a question on your mind about sex or seeking advice? Ask us on any topic and we’ll provide you with the answers from an expert. Send them in to For today’s question, we touch on a topic related to sex and disability from you and we’re delighted to have sex educator Rebecca Dewar share her answer below.

With or without a disability, sexual confidence is built in similar ways. Education and experience are interrelated to sexual confidence. To become sexually confident, education is essential. Accurate information about human sexuality is available (books, websites, sexuality health providers like sex therapists\counselors, sexuality educators); it is important to be educated or know about your own disability regarding what you can or cannot do in relation to sexual activity for your overall health and well-being.

For example, a female with an injury and\or illness that causes severe immobility of the body (wheelchair users) should not use hormonal methods of birth control especially pills because the risk of obtaining a blood clot is greatly increased as compared to able bodied females. Education can help individuals with disabilities become interested and open minded to sexual experiences since curiosity becomes piqued. Through experiences, people with disabilities get to know their sexual likes and dislikes as well as realize what features and\or qualities they find attractive in other people. With experiences, however, the risk taking of vulnerability becomes unavoidable. In the same sense, risk taking and vulnerability lead to building sexual confidence because of being willing to try new things with others.

Rebecca has her master degrees in social work and human sexuality of which both degrees are clinically focused. Sexuality and disability is her area of interest regarding research and practice within the fields of social work and human sexuality. Read the rest of her profile below and the links to follow her!

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Rebecca Dewar

Rebecca L. Dewar is physically disabled from a car accident. Her physical disability is a high level spinal cord injury and she depends upon a ventilator to breathe. She is a licensed social worker in Pennsylvania. Rebecca has her master degrees in social work and human sexuality of which both degrees are clinically focused. In the summer of 2014, she began PhD level classes. As a licensed social worker, she has experience working with individuals who have physical and\or intellectual\developmental disabilities (children, adolescents, young adults, and older adults). She has experience in working with her clients providing case management, counseling, and education regarding life issues including concerns and\or inquiries related to sexuality. Currently, she works at Community Interactions, Inc. where she provides counseling and sexuality education to adult men and women with cognitive challenges (intellectual\developmental disabilities) as well as to direct support staff and administrative personnel. Rebecca has spoken to college students in various disciplines of study (social work, psychology, human sexuality, nursing, physical therapy) on the topic of sexuality and quadriplegia. Sexuality and disability is her area of interest regarding research and practice within the fields of social work and human sexuality.


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