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Ladies beware: Your sexual organs could quite literally fall out of you!

Sex Ed

Ladies beware: Your sexual organs could quite literally fall out of you!

We all know the side effects of not brushing our teeth. Abandon the toothbrush long enough and your teeth are likely to rot and fall out.

Well. a woman’s sexual organs are no different.

Autopsies done on nuns have shown their sexual organs completely rotted out due to non-use.

And this is more common than you might realise. One in two women will experience some degree of prolapsed sexual organs in their lifetime.

One third of women will have a hysterectomy by the time they’re 60-years-old.

I don’t know about you, but I want to hold onto my most womanly parts! What’s important to understand is that these issues are a symptom of our sexual organs not getting enough TLC. We go to the gym and exercise three times or more a week, but how many women exercise their vagina?

How many of us dedicate time to ensuring our sexual organs remain fit?

And I’m not talking about doing Kegels exercise. If you want to look after your sexual organs, you need to pay them some attention, or you run the risk of them not working as they were designed.

Did you know one in three women over 35 are infertile?

This is shocking given that our body is made to remain fertile right up until menopause.

Then you have the harrowing statistic of 12% of ALL women of childbearing years being unable to conceive naturally.

Infertility, prolapsed sexual organs and other women’s health concerns don’t need to be a part of your life.

Why would you want them to be?

There is a preventative measure you can take, that is inexpensive, and will keep your sexual organs fit and healthy until the day you die.

That preventative is the Jade Egg practice.

The Jade Egg was used 5000 years ago by Queens and concubines in China in order to stay youthful, keep their sexual organs tight and resilient and deliver the Emperor immense pleasure in the bedchamber!

But what’s important to understand here, is that the Jade Egg was used as a preventative, and while it can certainly be used to help reverse the degeneration that is the result of a lack of self-care, women can actually stop this unnecessary aging in the first place.

Just 2-3 Jade Egg practices per week is all that’s needed to help cure incontinence, bring fresh blood to the sexual organs so they remain in optimum health and increase your chances of conceiving.

But what the Jade Egg practice offers women of today is a respite from their hectic schedule.

Down time.

Time to be with themselves, be still, connect with their body, listen to their intuition and become more centered.

What busy woman doesn’t want to escape the hustle and bustle of life, where everything is go go go 24 seven?

And the great news is that the Jade Egg practice is anything but a chore.

It’s a time to be still.

To connect in with your body. It’s much like a meditation of self-love.

And not only will your sexual organs thank you, you’ll experience more pleasure in the bedroom as you awaken the vaginal canal so you can experience G-spot and cervical orgasms!

…orgasms that often remain elusive to women because their vaginal canal is numb.

So if you don’t want to become a statistic it’s time to start exercising your lady parts.

Giving them some love. We hear about the risks of breast cancer all the time, but we don’t hear as much about cervical and ovarian cancer.

We know about these cancers of the sexual organs, but we don’t necessarily know how common they are until we receive the diagnosis.

Every ten hours a woman in Australia dies of ovarian cancer.

One in 70 women will develop ovarian cancer in their lifetime, with only 20% of these women surviving longer than five years.

While cervical cancer isn’t quite as common, you still have a one in 155 chance of becoming a statistic.

I don’t tell you all this to scare you.

I share this with you so you can be aware and start taking steps so you don’t end up with an unfortunate diagnosis and the difficult decision on how to heal yourself of illness and disease.

All of the afflictions I have mentioned today can be prevented through a regular practice with a Jade Egg.

I myself used the Jade Egg as part of my holistic treatment to return my cervix to full health after being diagnosed as being the stage before cancer when I returned an abnormal pap smear result in my early 30s.

These kinds of issues of the sexual organs can be healed naturally, and most importantly, they can be prevented.

That is my message today.

Don’t wait until you have a life-threatening diagnosis.

Get in first. If you take care of our body, using a tool such as the Jade Egg practice, your sexual organs have the best possible chance of functioning as they are designed too.

Simple as that!

Ok. Take a breath….

I know I needed to when I discovered the shocking truth about the state of most women’s sexual organs. Our sexual organs play a vital part in our overall health so please don’t let them die a slow death.

Buy yourself a Jade Egg and reap the benefits of having ripe sexual organs right into old age. It was disease that brought me to the Jade Egg, don’t let disease be the thing that brings YOU to the Jade Egg.

Get in first so you don’t have to experience the same fear I did.

The Jade Egg really is a ladies best friend.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock
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Tamra Mercieca

Tamra Mercieca is a Relationship and Self-Love Therapist, Author and founder of the school Getting Naked Pty Ltd where she teaches people how to strip off the layers of emotional conditioning so they can enjoy more love, more happiness and more pleasure in their life. It was after overcoming severe clinical depression and a number of life-threatening health ailments that Tamra discovered the most important relationship you will ever have, is your relationship with YOU! Using this philosophy she cleared the barriers keeping her from finding her Prince, sharing her personal experiences in her book series Getting Naked. Tamra loves teaching the art of self-love and shares this message during regular television and radio spots and in her Nature and Health magazine column. Tamra’s passion in life is to let her own love story inspire others to live their unique and magical happily right now! Visit her at: by clicking on the links below!


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