Find out what the adorable LA girl Emily Mei is up to in this short and fun interview!
SimplySxy: Hi Emily, it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?
Emily: Hello! My name is Emily Mei, and I’m from Los Angeles. I’m Chinese. I like to eat, travel, and occasionally take photos.

SimplySxy: How will you describe your fashion style?
Emily: This is a tough one for me! It really depends on my mood when I wake up. Sometimes I dress very kawaii and girly, other times I’ll be in dark sweats and a baggy tee. I guess my style is more relaxed, I very rarely wear jewellery and usually just throw some things together!

SimplySxy: What do you like most about being in LA?
Emily: I love that there are so many restaurants! I love eating and trying new places. I feel like I can never eat everywhere in LA even if I live to be 100 years old. I really love desserts, and there are so many cool little places to try in LA.

SimplySxy: Can you tell us 3 fun facts about yourself?
Emily: I can never really think of anything to say! Haha. I really love miniature things. So anything like small dogs, small toys, small food, or even small buildings. I’m really into collecting stuffed animals, especially Rilakuma dolls. My room has tons of stuffed animals everywhere, it’s like a Tokyo store. I’m very social, I love to meet new people and I’m usually very talkative! I’m never afraid to approach someone if I think they’re interesting and want to strike up a conversation.

SimplySxy: Do you have any hobbies?
Emily: I honestly think my favorite hobby is going out to eat LOL that sounds so terrible but it’s true. My friends and I love going to new restaurants and trying different places. We eat out almost every day! I am very picky, but I always find something on the menu I end up loving!

SimplySxy: Are you more of a lingerie or bikini girl?
Emily: Lingerie! I don’t go to the beach very often because wet sand is gross. Lingerie is always good. I always feel good when my underwear looks good, even though no one sees it!

SimplySxy: What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done?
Emily: Haha wouldn’t all the readers love to know? But I guess this stays between me and my boyfriend hehe.

SimplySxy: If you could choose to go for a romantic holiday anywhere in the world, where will it be?
Emily: I would love to go to Bali!!! It’s gorgeous there, super romantic.

SimplySxy: Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions on SimplySxy, Emily. Before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
Emily: To me, a person is sexy when they have confidence. The way they carry themselves shows way more than what they’re wearing (or not wearing). Girls (and boys) don’t always need to show skin to be sexy. I believe people can be sexy in sweats and a tee! It’s all about your attitude.
You can catch the beautiful Emily Mei on:
Instagram: @emilythemermaid
Images courtesy of Emily Mei
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