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Swingers Lifestyle Revealed: Our Unusual Relationship

Exciting Escapades

Swingers Lifestyle Revealed: Our Unusual Relationship

Our relationship is a strange one. When people ask us what we like to do, we often need to take more thought than a “normal” couple would and censor the answer just a bit. We do enjoy things like drinking, dancing, going to movies, etc. But in the whole scheme of things, we are often bored by those normal activities. We found a lifestyle that better suits us. A lifestyle that allows us me meet fun, like-minded people, and to explore limitations within ourselves. We have an open relationship, or as some call us: swingers.

My wife and I met when I was deployed to Germany for Operation Enduring Freedom. I am 12 years older than she is, and when we met she was only 18. She had only had one sexual experience to that point and it was not a good one. She had written off sex as something that people do, but that she would never enjoy. Once our relationship developed to that point, she realized that there was a lot of fun to be had that she had never tapped into, and I realized that I had awakened a side of her that she had never seen. I decided that I wanted her to be able to explore this new sexual fondness, so then began the conversations about whether to make this fantasy into a reality.

Our first experience was with a single male. As awkward as it was, it made both of us realize that this is a lifestyle that we can both really enjoy. From that first experience, it has grown into an open relationship in which we both are able to play with couples or singles, alone or together. And even as most people do not understand it, after being in this lifestyle for over 8 years, we are closer than ever with one another. We love the new opportunities and adventures that this has given to us, but even more than that we cherish the new friendships that we have been able to make.

Probably the most common question that we are asked is “how do you two make such an alternative lifestyle work?”. Our answer is actually the most obvious: honesty. We always tell each other what we are going, and make sure that the other is good with it. We help each other fulfill fantasies, and always share our experiences with one another. Rules have to be in place, always followed, and understanding that different situations can bring about different rules at any time. We have had a few bumps in the road, but overall we have had great experiences and wouldn’t want to live our lives any other way.

Scott and Rachael

Rachael is 27 and bi. Scott is 39 and straight. We have been married for a little over 6 years. We are on SLS at ohiocpl23 and Rachael has her Twitter

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